关于安装netbeans 找不到JDK的问题解决
Configuring installer……
Search JVM on the system……
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer
JDK 6 or JDK 5 is required for installing the NetBeans IDE. Make sure that the JDK is properly installed and run installer again.
You can specify valid JDK location using ——javahome installer argument.
To download the JDK, visit http//java.sun.com/javase/downloads
幸好提示信息里有个使用 ——javahome 安装参数指定JDK安装位置
接着在终端输入 ./netbeans-6.1-javaee-linux.sh ——javahome /usr/lib/j2sdk1.6-sun
Configuring installer……
Search JVM on the system……
Extracting installation data……
Running installer wizard……
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