Helix DNA SERVER架设Linux流媒体服务器
用Helix DNA SERVER架设Linux流媒体
Helix DNA SERVER是Helix Server的开源版,这个版本不需要授权文件,安装简便,对系统要求低,是架设流媒服务器的首选软件。
#cd /home/jp (进入安装文件所在目录)
# tar zxvf Helix_DNA_Server_10.1.tar.gz (解压文件)
# cd Helix_DNA_Server_10.1 (进入解压目录)
# ./servinst_plus_linux-2.2-libc6-i586-server.bin (执行安装程序)
显示如下欢迎画 面:
Extracting files for Helix installation........................
Welcome to Helix DNA Server 10.1 ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get Helix DNA Server running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...
Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
Helix DNA Server to be installed. You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory: [/home/jp/Helix_DNA_Server_10.1]: /usr/local/helixdna
输入安装目标路径,默认为当前目录,输入 /usr/local/helixdna 回车
Usernamese enter a username and password that you will use
to access the web-based Helix DNA Server Administrator and monitor.
Username []: admin
Password []:
Confirm Password []:
[]: admin
管理员名称建议用:admin ,密码自定。
Please enter a port on which Helix DNA Server will listen for
PNA connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "pnm://"
Port [7070]:
Please enter a port on which Helix DNA Server will listen for
RTSP connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "rtsp://"
Port [554]:
Please enter a port on which Helix DNA Server will listen for
HTTP connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "http://"
Port [80]: 888
Helix DNA Server will listen for Administrator requests on the
port shown. This port has been initialized to a random value
for security. Please verify now that this pre-assigned port
will not interfere with ports already in use on your system;
you can change it if necessary.
Port [21015]: 12345
显示刚才所有的设 置,并让用户检查
You have selected the following Helix DNA Server configuration:
Admin User/Password: admin/****
Monitor Password: ****
RTSP Port: 554
HTTP Port: 888
PNA Port: 7070
Admin Port: 12345
Destination: /usr/local/helixdna
Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]:
Copying Helix DNA Server files...
Helix DNA Server installation is complete.
Cleaning up installation files...
三、Helix DNA Server 的启动
#cd /usr/local/helixdna/Bin (进 入安装目录)
# ./hlxserverplus ../hlxserverplus.cfg (运行主文件)
Helix DNA Server (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: Helix DNA Server 10.1 ( (Build 25942/746)
Platform: linux-2.2-libc6-i586-server
Using Config File: ../hlxserverplus.cfg
Creating Server Space...
Server has allocated 256 megabytes of memory
Starting PID 2056, procnum 1 (timer)
Calibrating timers...
Interval timer enabled (10ms resolution).
Starting PID 2057, procnum 2 (core)
Starting Helix DNA Server 10.1 Core...
出现如下画面时, 启动成功
四、Helix DNA Server的设置与管理
Helix Server的设置与管理是通过web方式进行的。
输入:, 弹出用户验证对话框
输入原先设置的用 户名和密码
此时出现管理界 面,如下:
具体的设置方法与 windows版本大致一样。
由于Helix DNA SERVER是开源版,其压缩包内并没有附带演示文件,因此需要手动复制演示文件到Helix DNA的Content目录。我们将real9video.rm复制到这个目录,然后
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