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LV 相关(Logical Volume)命令

lslv -n hdisk6 testlv
从hdisk6上的VGDA中读取关于testlv的信息,不管testlv是否在hdisk6上。#lslv -n hdisk0 lv00
LOGICAL VOLUME:       lv00                     VOLUME GROUP:     rootvg
LV IDENTIFIER:        005f31be00004c00000001111de23f31.14 PERMISSION:       read/write
VG STATE:             active/complete          LV STATE:         closed/syncd
TYPE:                 jfs                      WRITE VERIFY:     off
MAX LPs:              512                      PP SIZE:          256 megabyte(s)
COPIES:               1                      SCHED POLICY:     parallel(读写调度策略)
LPs:                  1                        PPs:              1
STALE PPs:            0                        BB POLICY:        relocatable
INTER-POLICY:         minimum                  RELOCATABLE:      yes
INTRA-POLICY:         middle                   UPPER BOUND:      32
MOUNT POINT:          /test                    LABEL:            /test
MIRROR WRITE CONSISTENCY: on/ACTIVE                              
EACH LP COPY ON A SEPARATE PV ?: yes                                    
Serialize IO ?:       NO

getlvcb -AT lv1
#getlvcb -AT lv00
          AIX LVCB
          intrapolicy = m
          copies = 1
          interpolicy = m
          lvid = 005f31be00004c00000001111de23f31.14
          lvname = lv00
          label = /test
          machine id = F31BE4C00
          number lps = 1
          relocatable = y
          strict = y
          stripe width = 0
          stripe size in exponent = 0
          type = jfs
          upperbound = 32
          fs = log=/dev/hd8:options=rw:account=false
          time created   = Thu May 24 11:55:36 2007
          time modified = Thu May 24 15:03:33 2007

cplv -v dumpvg -y lv9 lv1
将lv1拷贝到 dumpvg里的lv9上。

chlv -d pr lv1
p:Establishes a parallelscheduling policy.
ps:Parallel write with sequentialread policy. All mirrors are written in parallel but always read from first mirror if first mirror is available.
pr:Parallel write round robbinread. This policy is similar to the parallel policy except an attempt is madeto spread the reads to the logical volume more evenly across all mirrors.
s:Establishes a sequentialscheduling policy.

mklvcopy 镜像逻辑卷

splitlvcopy 分离逻辑卷的镜像(分离到另一个LV)

rmlvcopy 删除逻辑卷镜像

