oracle 常用的一些命令或者sql 语句
1. 创建一个用户,并为该用户分配Create权限,分配表空间:
create user scott identified by tiger;
grant create session to scott;
grant create table to scott;
alter user scott default tablespace users;
alter user scott quota 512M on users;
2. 查找where条件指定的用户为owner的所有表名称:
select owner, table_name from dba_tables where owner=''SCOTT'';
3. 在某一指定的表上创建指定参数的索引。
create index ind_test on test(x) tablespace users storage
(initial 2K
next 2K
minextents 1
maxextents 100
pctincrease 0);
4. 查看指定用户为owner的索引名称:
select index_name, table_owner from dba_indexes where owner=''SCOTT'';
5. 查看指定表上的所有索引信息:
select index_owner, index_name, column_name from dba_ind_columns where table_name=''SCOTT'';
6. 创建序列:
create s
start wi
7. 使用序列:
insert into scott.test
8. 查看表空间信息:
select * from dba_tablespaces;
9. 查看当前在线用户:
select username from v$session;
10. How can I compile and link my application?
Compiling and linking are very platform specific. Your system-specific Oracle
documentation has instructions on how to link a Pro*C/C++ application. On UNIX
systems, there is a makefile called in the demo directory. To link, say, the
demo program sample1.pc, you would enter the command line
make -f sample1
If you need to use special precompiler options, you can run Pro*C/C++ separately,
then do the make. Or, you can create your own custom makefile. For example, if
your program contains embedded PL/SQL code, you can enter
proc cv_demo userid=scott/tiger sqlcheck=semantics
make -f cv_demo
On VMS systems, there is a script called LNPROC that you use to link your
Pro*C/C++ applications.
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